Neil writes commentary on the market, economy, finance, and trends in the marketplace in order to get you in the picks and sectors that can move right now.
Neil issues model portfolios for individual traders to trade in Stocks/ETFs, Options, and Crypto.
Neil has a Bachelor in Finance, Minor in Economics, and was an NCAA Div. 1 ski racer and on the University Dean’s List and a former Series 7, 63, 65 fully licensed Financial Advisor.
Neil uses his knowledge and experience to see “through” what the Fed is saying while using historical trend analysis to get you into trades like technology since 2022 since he knew rising interest rates favor tech stocks since tech companies have billions in cash.
Long term readers were also warned of the crashes in 2009 and 2020, profiting in a big way on the downside while buying at the bottom. Or, at least staying out.
Recent successes were 55% in 2022 when the S&P500 was down -18% due in large part to being in the right sectors. Oil, Natural Gas, and Potash. In fact, energy was the only sector up the entire year proving that sector allocation is the most important thing in trading as we were heavily weighted in energy since the first trading day of the year. A $100,000 account in the S&P500 would have been only $82,000 at the end of 2022, while an account trading our picks would have been at $155,000, an 89% difference. We are still well ahead of the market since 2020.